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The Leaders

(our Guiding names are constellations)


Bethan Clark

Aquila / Guider In Charge

I am from the UK where I was a Brownie, Guide, Ranger and Young Leader. I loved my Guiding experiences - in particular the camping and international travel I got to do. Becoming a volunteer leader is just the best thing. As we progress I hope that we are able to provide the girls with as many wonderful experiences as I had.  


Betty Yau

Phoenix / Finance and Admin

I am originally from Scotland and have lived in Hong Kong for 16 years. I work as an educator for a kindergarten in Hong Kong.  I am delighted to be part of our DB Guides, and enjoy supporting the girls in their wonderful Guiding adventure. I oversee all the Company admin and finances. 

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Novia Trottier


coming soon

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