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Guide Basics

Guides are girls aged 11-16+


The Guide promise is:

"I promise to do my best,

to be true to myself my God/Faith, and my country,

and the country in which I live,

to help others,

and to keep the Guide Law."

The 8 points of the Guide programme are:


Getting to know people

Keeping the Guide law

Keeping fit

Exploring the arts

Thinking for yourself

Becoming a home maker

Enjoying the out-of-doors

Giving service


The Hong Kong Guide law is:

"As a Guide:

I will be reliable, honest and trustworthy

I will use my resources wisely and help others

I will be true to myself and respect the opinion of others

I will face challenges and learn from my experiences

I will care for nature and all living things

I will be friendly and a sister to all Guides"

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The Guide Motto is:

"Be Prepared"



Guides can earn interest badges in a massive range of areas including:


First Aid | Life Saving | Environmental Protection | Travelling

Bird Watching | Translating | Writing | Pet Care | Reading

Craft | Carpentry | Performance | Cooking | Gardening

Singing | Public Speaking | Map Reading | Knotting

Photography | Orienteering | Basic Survival | Swimming

Hiking | Camping | Sports | Cycling | Food and Nutrition


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The Guide company works in small groups called 'Patrols'.

Each patrol has a Patrol Leader and a Seconder.

There are two Guide uniforms.

Dress uniform for special meetings

and a polo shirt and shorts/trousers for regular meetings and outdoor events

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All uniforms are available from the HKGGA uniform shop in Jordan

A Brief History:

The Founder of the Guiding and Scouting movement was Robert Baden-Powell. A year after its creation in 1908, a Boy Scout rally was held at Crystal Palace in London. Baden-Powell was taken aback when a number of girls attended, proclaiming themselves to be Girl Scouts.


Baden-Powell invited his sister, Agnes to be the girls' leader and chose the name Girl Guides, after the famous corps of guides in India who were "distinguished for their general handiness & resourcefulness under difficulties, and their keenness & courage".


Baden-Powell felt that the Movement for girls should be run by women, so in 1910 he asked his elderly sister Agnes to undertake the work of adapting his book of Scouting for Boys, for use with girls. In the same year Baden-Powell retired from his army career and devoted himself to Scouting and the beginning of Guiding. He attended camps, rallies and jamborees all over the world. It was during a world tour in 1912 that he met Olave Soames, his future wife. After a brief courtship, the couple were engaged and married that same year.


Olave Baden-Powell soon became actively involved in the Guide and Scout Movement and was elected World Chief Guide in 1930. The Guiding Movement continues to thrive and grow with ten million girls and young women actively involved in 150 Member Organizations worldwide.


Guiding came to Hong Kong in 1916. The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association (HKGGA) is currently the largest female youth organization in Hong Kong. It is one of the 150 member organisations of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) which represents 10 million girls in 150 countries.


The Guiding movement encourages girls to actively participate in service projects through which they develop a caring and positive attitude to life and are exposed to every aspect of becoming self-sufficient leaders.


Membership is voluntary and open to all girls, regardless of race, religion or nationality. 

© 2022 Discovery Bay Guides

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